Witcher Wiki
Visenna from the graphic novel A Road with No Return, illustrated by Bogusław Polch

Visenna was a druid, healer and a sorceress, as well as the mother of the witcher Geralt. In the short story "Something More", Geralt met her face to face when she treated some very serious injuries he had sustained.

She also appears in the short story "Droga, z której się nie wraca", which features not only Visenna, but Korin, mostly likely Geralt's father.

In the Polish Movie and TV series[ | ]


Visenna (Magdalena Warzecha) in The Hexer TV series

Visenna was played by Magdalena Warzecha. She featured in several episodes:

In the Droga bez powrotu comic[ | ]

She also appears in Droga bez powrotu which is based on "Droga, z której się nie wraca".

Gallery[ | ]

Substances Graveir bone
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