Witcher Wiki
Icon disambig This article is about the notice on the Yantra noticeboard. For the similarly named notice on the Svorlag noticeboard, see The Enemy Never Sleeps.
The Enemy Never Sleeps!
Tw3 notice board note 3
Note pinned to a notice board
Common item
Notice board in Yantra

Contents[ | ]

Fellow Northerners! The enemy never sleeps! The Black Devils have pitched camp other side of the river. Our lads will defend us to their last bolt and last drop of blood, but you, too, need to be prepared to serve your fatherland. Steel and blood aren't the only things a man can wield in the fight for Redania – a wary eye and a cocked ear do battle just as well. So if you see a stranger hanging about your village, or someone hiding in the bush, or you hear someone talking with a foreign accent, send an envoy to the nearest outpost at once, because you might've just spotted a Nilfgaardian spy. Do this, and you not only serve Redania, but you enrich yourself as well, for we will reward all such help as generously as it deserves.
Together, shoulder to shoulder, onwards, to glory!
—Captain Vit Freyman