Witcher Wiki

Two items - same?[]

I have seen both an item called "Petri's Philter formula" (from gravedigger) and a scroll called "Formula for Petri's Philter" (hermit) in the same playthrough on my EE (strictly vanilla) version. The former is worth 100 orens to buy, while the latter is worth 500 orens to buy. Both claim to contain the formula for petri's philter, although the hermit's version misspelled Philter in the read screen as "Filter". Anyone seen this? Chuckles guide 05:08, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

I can't say for sure, but i think i saw the same thing but didn't really "click" .. i chalked up the difference to an original distro / EE difference, but it could be that there are 2 — Game widow 09:00, 23 May 2009 (UTC)