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Below is the list of Magic or Sign abilities in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

Icon Name Description Prerequisite Levels Points
Aard Sign
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. A directed blast of telekinetic energy that staggers opponents, leaving them open for a subsequent attack. None Default None
Far-Reaching Aard
Level 1: Increases Aard's range by 1 yard(s). Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Aard's range by 2 yard(s). Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Aard's range by 3 yard(s). Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Aard Sign 3 None
Aard Sweep
Alternate Sign Mode: Aard strikes all opponents in a certain radius.
Level 1: Knock-down chance is 21% lower. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Knock-down chance is 17% lower. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Knock-down chance is 13% lower. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Aard Sign 3 6
Aard Intensity
Level 1: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 5%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 10%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Aard Sign 5 18
Shock Wave
Level 1: Aard now deals 40 damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Aard now deals 80 damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Aard now deals 120 damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Aard now deals 160 damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Aard now deals 200 damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Aard Sign 5 28
Igni Sign
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. A directed fiery blast that damages enemies.
Damage scales with Sign intensity.
None Default None
Melt Armor
Damage dealt by Igni also permanently weakens enemy Armor.
Level 1: Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum of 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum of 30%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum of 45%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum of 60%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum of 75%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Igni Sign 5 None
Alternate Sign Mode: Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies.
Level 1: Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Stamina cost is reduced by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Stamina cost is reduced by 50%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Igni Sign 3 6
Igni Intensity
Level 1: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 5%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 10%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Igni Sign 5 18
Level 1: Increases the chance to apply Burning by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases the chance to apply Burning by 40%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases the chance to apply Burning by 60%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases the chance to apply Burning by 80%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases the chance to apply Burning by 100%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Igni Sign 5 28
Yrden Sign
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Magic trap that slows enemies who enter its area of effect
Effect duration: 21 s
None Default None
Sustained Glyphs
Increases Sign duration by 5 seconds. Number of alternative mode charges: 2.
Number of standard mode traps: 1.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Yrden Sign 2 None
Magic Trap
Alternative Sign Mode:
Damages and slows all enemies within a 10-yard radius. Destroys projectiles passing through this area.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Yrden Sign 3 6
Yrden Intensity
Level 1: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 5%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 10%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Yrden Sign 5 18
Supercharged Glyphs
Enemies under the influence of Yrden lose 10 point(s) of Vitality or Essence per second.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Yrden Sign 5 28
Quen Sign
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Protective shield that lasts until it has absorbed damage totalling 7% of maximum Vitality. None Default None
Exploding Shield
Level 1: Quen shield pushes opponents back when it breaks. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Quen shield pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Quen shield pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks, with a chance of knock-down. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Quen Sign 3 None
Active Shield
Alternate Sign Mode: Creates an active shield. Damage absorbed by the shield restores player Vitality.
Level 1: Maintaining it and blocking attacks drains Stamina. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Maintaining an active shield now drains 50% less Stamina. Stamina drain for blocked attacks unchanged. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Maintaining an active shield no longer drains Stamina. Stamina drain for blocked attacks unchanged. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Quen Sign 3 6
Quen Intensity
Level 1: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 5%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 10%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Quen Sign 5 18
Quen Discharge
Level 1: Reflects 5% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Reflects 10% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Reflects 15% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Reflects 20% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Reflects 25% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Quen Sign 5 28
Axii Sign
This is one of your core Abilities. It is always active. Charms an opponent's mind, temporarily eliminating him from combat.
Effect Duration: 10 seconds.
None Default None
Target does not move towards Geralt while he is casting Axii. Also increases the effectiveness of Axii in dialogues.
Level 1: Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Reduces Axii casting time. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Reduces Axii casting time. Failed Axii attempts stagger the target. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Axii Sign 3 None
Alternate Sign Mode:
Level 1: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 20% more damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 20% more damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 3: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 20% more damage. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%. Attacking the target does not break the effect.
Axii Sign 3 6
Axii Intensity
Level 1: Increases Axii Sign intensity by 5%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
Level 2: Increases Axii Sign intensity by 10%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1%.
Level 3: Increases Axii Sign intensity by 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5%.
Level 4: Increases Axii Sign intensity by 20%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2%.
Level 5: Increases Axii Sign intensity by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +2.5%.
Axii Sign 5 18
Two opponents can be influenced by Axii at the same time. The effect is 50% weaker.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5%.
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