Witcher Wiki
File:COA Angoul.gif

Angoulême's coat of arms

Angoulême was a girl from a rich Cintran family. She never fit in with her family and ultimately renounced them. She left and became a member of the Nightingale gang.

While still with the gang, she was recognized by Fulko Artevelde, a Nilfgaardian governor and used as a crown witness in the investigation which led to the identification of the Nightingale gang. During the trial she cooperated with Fulko, forcing the release of [prefekcie ?] girls. It was during that trial that she met Geralt.

Angoulême then joined the witcher's company in their search for Ciri. She died from complications due to a spear wound in her thigh which she sustained defending Ciri during the Assault on Stygga castle.